Gastronomy & Wine

Trinxat (trinchado) is a dish typical of Cerdanya

Trinxat (trinchado) is a dish typical of Cerdanya, Alt-Urgel and Andorra. It looks ike a small “tortilla” with a splash of cabbage. Trinxat is dark green in color and has very original taste. It is made with potatoes, fried pork or bacon and cabbage as the main ingredients. Sometimes a clove of garlic is added to give it a little more flavor. The mixture is seasoned with extra virgin olive oil and salt. It is a famous dish of the Catalan mountain cuisine. Its calorie content makes it one of the most typical dishes in autumn and winter. The Festa del Trinxat is celebrated in Puigcerda every year.

Julia Chesnokova for Hotel Alabriga

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